VoIP Client Information

One phone number per line
Please list them by Name, Extension, Email Address or you can upload a file below
Accepted file types: png, jpg, jpeg, gif, pdf, xls, xlsx, Max. file size: 32 MB.
Group, Extensions For example ABC Group wants the Financial Team to have all of their team’s phones ring when someone selects option 2 from the IVR
How would you like your voicemail setup?(Required)
Accepted file types: png, jpg, jpeg, gif, pdf, xls, xlsx, Max. file size: 32 MB.
This is required for us to port your telephone number from your current provider to our phone system
Would you like Night Service?(Required)
Night service in telephony is a feature of private branch exchanges and business telephone systems, whereby for a set period during the day (usually those hours outside of normal office or work hours, when normal operator services are not provided), all incoming calls are automatically redirected by the switchboard to a specific extension or to equipment such as an answering machine or voice mail system
Do you have a security alarm?(Required)
Have you added your Account Manager as an authorized contact?(Required)
You Account Manager may need access to communicate on your company\’s behalf with the telecom company. This may be required to ensure porting and any technical matters can be remedied as quickly as possible