
Can Cloud Storage Be Hacked?

The short answer is yes, cloud storage can be hacked.  Cloud storage is a convenient and cost-effective way to store and access your data from anywhere, anytime and by multiple authorized users. However, cloud storage also comes with some risks, such as data breaches, malware infections, and unauthorized access. Understanding Cloud security is now more

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Protect Your Data with the Air Gap Technique

Data is one of the most valuable assets for any business, especially for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that rely on data to make informed decisions, improve customer service, and gain a competitive edge. However, data is also vulnerable to various threats, such as cyberattacks, system failures, natural disasters, human errors, and more. These threats

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How a Managed IT Service Can Protect Your Client’s Data

Data is one of the most valuable assets for any business. It can help you understand your customers, improve your products and services, and gain a competitive edge in the market. However, data also comes with risks. Data breaches, cyberattacks, human errors, and natural disasters can compromise the security, integrity, and availability of your data, resulting in financial losses, reputational damage, and legal liabilities.

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How To Protect Your Canadian Business From Ransomware Attacks

Ransomware attacks are cyberware invasions in which malicious actors encrypt or block access to a victim’s computer system or data. Their objective is to demand a ransom in exchange for restoring admin capabilities. These malware typically enter a system through infected email attachments, malicious downloads, or network security vulnerabilities. Cyberattacks can inflict serious harm on

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