Leverage our investment in cloud servers for your business

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Every business needs a way to manage, store, share and use their information. To ensure everything runs smoothly, your data needs to be easily accessible and available for collaboration, while secure from breaches and threats.

Many businesses choose to buy and use their own private servers to accomplish these goals – but you don’t have to bear that capital cost. With Interface’s hosted cloud servers, you can be set up quickly with as much computing power as you need.

Interface’s cloud computing servers are hosted at 151 Front Street – a secure data-centre in the heart of Toronto – and feature fibre connectivity, 24 x 7 x 365 security, fully redundant power with backup power and a deep-water cooling system

Leverage our investments for your company – our server resources can be brought online to immediately help your business without your organization having to invest in physical hardware. Test software, run pilot programs, and replicate projects to other servers without the high capital costs typically associated with these activities.

Get as much or as little computing power as you need, when you need it. Our cloud servers scale to your requirements and only scale when actually needed. No more overbuying on a server you might not ever use.

Need access ASAP? We set-up and manage the servers on your behalf. We’ll keep your data protected and secure, help with new configurations, and organize backups – our team of IT professionals are only a call away.

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